HBEF3703 INTRODUCTION TO GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING – The purpose of this assignment is to enhance counselling skills

Module 9 – Manufacturing Management

HBEF3703 INTRODUCTION TO GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING – The purpose of this assignment is enhance counselling skills


Question 1

You are required to prepare an essay regarding the following topics that you have learned in class. Support your arguments/ideas with relevant examples and review of related literature from reputable sources.

Alex, a licensed counsellor, is working with a teenage client, Jamie, who has been experiencing severe anxiety and depression. During the course of therapy, Alex discovers that Jamie is engaging in self-harming behaviours. Concerned for Jamie’s safety, Alex decides to break confidentiality and inform Jamie’s parents about the situation.

  • Analyse the decision made by Alex: Is it ethically justifiable to breach confidentiality and disclose information to Jamie’s parents?
  • Examine the potential impact of breaking confidentiality on the therapeutic relationship between Alex and Jamie. How can Alex navigate this delicate situation while maintaining trust and rapport?


Question 2:

You are required to prepare an essay in accordance with the provided statement. Support your arguments/ideas with relevant examples and review of related literature from reputable sources.

Critically assess the strengths and limitations of Person-centred Counselling as a therapeutic approach. Discuss situations or clients for which this approach may be particularly effective or challenging.               


Online Class Participation

Discuss the following topic(s) in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the online discussions:

  1. No matter how difficult the involuntary client is, a counsellor would still need to conduct the session. Discuss.
  2. Discuss the significance of both verbal and nonverbal communication in the counselling process.
  3. Discuss how counsellors handle challenging or sensitive topics during counselling sessions. What communication strategies can be employed to create a safe space for clients to discuss uncomfortable subjects?
  4. Discuss the importance of confidentiality within group counselling. How can group members build trust and feel secure sharing their experiences in a group setting?
  5. Explore the role of empathy in active listening.


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