CBDS2103 DATA STRUCTURES – The purpose of this assignment is to develop data structures using C language to solve a given problem and demonstrate the implementation of appropriate data structure features with suitable test data and output.

Module 9 – Manufacturing Management

CBDS2103 DATA STRUCTURES – The purpose of this assignment is to develop data structures using C language to solve a given problem and demonstrate the implementation of appropriate data structure features with suitable test data and output.


An advertising firm has requested you to implement a Customer Management System that will keep up to a maximum of 100 customer records. The customer records to be kept are:

  • CustomerID – Integer type to store the customer’s ID
  • CustomerName – 50 characters to store the name of the customer
  • CustomerAddress– 50 characters to store the customer’s address
  • DateOfBirth – Integer type that stores the customer date of birth in this format DDMMYY
  • TelephoneNum – 12 characters to store the customer’s telephone number

You would need to create a Customer structure and a link list called CustomerList. Write a C program that will be able to do the basic linked list operations for the CustomerList:

  1. insert new record
  2. traverse the link list
  3. delete from the link list
  4. search the link list

You are requested to test the Customer Management System developed by performing the following tasks:

  1. Declare the Customer structure and the CustomerList link list, using the information given above.
  2. Insert FIVE new customers using a sequential CustomerID.
  3. Search for a particular customer by its CustomerName.
  4. Search for a particular customer by its DateOfBirth.
  5. Delete a particular customer by its CustomerID.
  6. Display a list of all customers.

The documentation to be submitted must include a short introduction to the problem given, the program codes, and output screens (screen shots). You must submit the documentation file and the .c program file.

The assessment will be based on the following criteria:

  1. A proper writing of C codes and its structure
  2. The ability of program to be compiled and executed
  3. Implementation of correct programming techniques
  4. Complete documentation and correct submission

Note: You MUST write C programming codes for this assignment. Codes written in C++ will not be accepted.                      


Online Class Participation

Discuss the following topic(s) in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the online discussions:

  1. Share and discuss the design and implementation considerations, including memory management and time complexity, when utilizing a doubly linked list to efficiently represent and manipulate a collection of data in a dynamic software application.


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