CDCT2203 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT – This assignment is to discuss about the importance and implementation of Information Technology in different sectors.

This assignment is to discuss about the importance and implementation of Information Technology in different sectors.

CDCT2203 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT – This assigment aims to discuss about the importance and implementation of Information Technology in different sectors.

  Part 1


The purpose of this assignment is to discuss about the importance and implementation of Information Technology in different sectors.


  1. Today, the growth and sophistication of Information and Technology (IT) are seen as important phenomena that significantly affect our daily lives in all over the world. The advanced development of IT has spread to a number of industries, including business, healthcare, finance, transportation, government, and others. Discuss topic of social media which contains the following information:

    • Description of social media.
    • How does IT transform the way people socialising in social media platform? Justify your answer with appropriate examples or articles.
    • Identify TWO examples of social media applications (e.g.; Facebook) that YOU have used before. Discuss YOUR experience of using these applications. The discussions have to be from YOUR own experience (DO NOT copy from other sources) and EACH application should include of:
      • Introduction and background of the application. Support with a diagram, screenshots or illustration.
      • What were the TWO significances why you used the application? Support your reason with appropriate scenario example.
      • The detail specifications of software, hardware and device required to run the application.
      • Share safety tips while using this application.


Part II

Online Class 

Discuss the following topic(s) in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the online discussions:



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